Sunday, April 27, 2014

Next New

            A type of new media that does not exist that I can suggest is a virtual way for people to see how one lives in poverty a third world country. It is very hard for people to understand how badly some other people live in this world. While they will never truly understand, by 'walking in their shoes', people could have a better idea of what someone in Sudan goes through on a daily basis to survive. It would be a 'video game' type of system. It would also be connected to a reputable charity which makes a difference in that particular area. Charities could have these 'games' customized to fit their cause and I think this would have a better effect on people donating than a commercial that tries to make them feel guilty and donate that way.


  1. Interesting idea! Walking in another person's shoe is definitely a great way to truly understand what someone else is going through. When the poverty-stricken people receive aid from charity organizations, people will be able to really see how helpful the donations are and feel the difference they have made. It would be even cooler to be able to go somewhere virtually but still talk to the person in the other location of the world (so we can advise them what they should focus their purchases on, and when they should save their money, or tips to spend wisely!)

  2. Your idea is especially a great one especially for people in America. I can't speak for everyone but I came from a small city in China and though where I came from is not in poverty it is not close to America. I sure there are many immigrants who came from poverty or have a understanding of poverty but could not really communicate that to people here who have never been through it. I think this new media should also show the virtual way of the worst neighborhoods in America as well. I think this will serve two important causes: one is that it makes people here appreciate and not take it for granted to live in America and also gives people an idea how bad things are for some people. Once people have a good understanding then I hope they can start to help and also know how to help. Great idea!

  3. I totally agree! A system like this would truly be an eye opener to alot of Americans. I also agree with Chao ^ that American poverty is so much worse than third world poverty. I've seen it up close in the Philippines with kids on the streets, eating garbage, begging for money selling flowers,etc. It was truly a life-changing experience. With this system connected to charities it would help a lot of people in those developing countries. I think it's a great idea and hope to see it happen real soon!
